Monday, August 31, 2015

Peer-to-peer learning is the goal here.

Like in many vocations, as training professionals, our community of practice benefits greatly from the sharing of knowledge and experience of other professionals - particularly the seasoned veterans.

For quite some time, I've pondered whether or not adding another blog to the digital world of opinion and commentary would be beneficial to the industry or to me personally. But, I've decided to create this blog and pass on what I've learned in my over quarter century of delivering and designing training.

In that time, I've designed and delivered training in classrooms, lecture halls, flight simulators, aircraft cockpits while in flight and for the web. And I've seen both content, delivery and facilitation that was...well, to coin a Clint Eastwood title, good, bad and ugly. Sometimes it had all the earmarks of being outstanding training but actually ended up stinking out loud. Other times it was so-so design and content but ended up being expertly and splendidly delivered and learners thought it was awesome stuff.

My point here with this blog will not be to ridicule content or delivery. Rather, it is to let us all "go to school on someone else's money" and learn what worked and what didn't work and incorporate these lessons into our future training design and delivery for maximum benefit.

We might even cover some project management ground here as well.

I won't be publishing blog entries on any kind of schedule. Rather, when I notice or remember something working (or not) and feel moved enough to commit thoughts on paper, that's how one of these blog entries will be born. You might want to join the blog as a "follower" or advise me your email address so you can be added to the publication notice.

Either way, from one training professional to another, it is hoped the information presented here is helpful to you.


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