Monday, August 31, 2015

Powerpoint gets a bad rap (Part 1)

When it comes to training presentations, “Death by PowerPoint” is a popular phrase these days. The phrase is usually referring to classroom presentations composed of seemingly endless PowerPoint slides accompanied by lecture.

But, in a lot of ways, I think PowerPoint gets a bad rap. Someone once told me Einstein said something to the effect of something is truly beautiful when it is simple. PowerPoint is simple. It’s also intuitive, allows photos or videos and even audio files to be attached to selected slides.  Because of all this, it makes creating relatively engaging presentation visual aids quick and easy. And best of all it’s very reliable, stable and can be accessed and played almost anywhere on fairly limited hardware.

So…we must ask ourselves; is it the medium of PowerPoint that’s to blame or…dare I say it? Is it more the result of a boring presenter that puts the “Death” in “Death by PowerPoint?"

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